
I specialize in two types of editing, developmental editing and line editing.
Developmental editing involves the macro aspects. In fiction, that might mean things like pacing, plotting, character development, and effective use of point of view. In nonfiction, it might involve structure, clarity of information, or balance of prescriptive vs. illustrative content. I write comments on the manuscript if there's a specific point where I'd suggest revision. In the editorial letter, I explain in more depth what my overall concerns are, why they matter, and ideas on how to address them.
Line editing is the micro aspect. As the name suggests, it involves changes line by line. If a sentence is hard to follow, I rework it. If a word is often repeated, I'll flag it or suggest alternatives. I use track changes so you can see and accept/reject the changes. Line editing typically comes after the developmental editing stage and its subsequent revisions.
Please note that I do not copy-edit. Copy-editing involves fact checking, making sure words with multiple acceptable spellings are consistently spelled throughout, and correcting grammar and spelling errors. Copy-editing is usually the last stage a manuscript goes through, after developmental and line editing and revisions are done, and is handled by the publisher.
My Full Developmental Edit includes an electronically edited manuscript with margin comments using track changes, an editorial letter, and a call or e-mail exchange to answer any questions you have after you've received the edited manuscript.
If you're on a budget, I offer a Read and Review developmental edit, which includes a close reading of the manuscript and a detailed editorial letter, but no tracked changes or margin comments on the manuscript. While not as detailed as a full developmental edit, this is a less expensive option that can give you guidance for revising your book to make it stronger and more marketable.
My rates are based on the needs of the project. If you're interested in working with me, please contact me to tell me more about your book and for an estimate.

If you're interested in getting published, but aren't sure what the next step is, I'm happy to answer your questions and provide guidance by phone. I can offer advice about seeking an agent, creating or shaping a proposal, or the publishing process in general. If you want my editorial opinion about an aspect of a book you're working on, I'm happy to provide feedback based on my experience. Please note that consultations don't include a review of your work, but you can e-mail me your questions in advance of our conversation.
Consultation call of up to 30 minutes: $100
Once I have received your payment, I'll contact you to schedule the call at a mutually agreeable time.

After 20 years as an acquisitions editor, I've reviewed thousands of book proposals. Today I work with agents and authors to prepare book proposals for submission to publishers. I also help unagented authors who are seeking an agent or want to submit directly to those publishers that accept unagented submissions.
Proposal editing includes a line edit of your full proposal, feedback on presentation, and suggestions of things to add or adjust.
I also offer a proposal review service where I read your proposal with the mindset I had as an acquisitions editor, and provide a letter with feedback and suggestions of how you might make it stronger.
Please contact me for an estimate.

For Publishers
After twenty years working as an acquisitions editor for both Hachette Book Group and Simon & Schuster, I have a wide range of skills. In addition to editing, I've reviewed proposals, written cover and marketing copy, created fact sheets (tip sheets), and consulted on cover design.
I have created multiple derivative works, turning 70,000-85,000 word nonfiction books into 30,000 word abridgments (about 140 pages at a 6.5" x 5.5" trim)--one series I created has sold over 1.5 million copies.
If you need freelance editorial support, please feel free to contact me. I'd be happy to discuss your needs and find a way I can help you.